Opening hours:

Mon - Fri: 10:00 - 20:00
Sat - Sun: 10:00 - 20:00

Opening hours:

Mon - Fri: 10:00 - 20:00
Sat - Sun: 10:00 - 20:00

Opening hours:

Mon - Fri: 10:00 - 20:00
Sat - Sun: 10:00 - 20:00

Price list

Price list for thermal swimming pool Komárno
from 9th Sept. 2022

Cenník platný od 1.7.2021Celodenné lístky Lístky od 17:00 hod. Permanentky na 15 vstupov
Obyvateľ mimo KomárnaObyvateľ Komárna (SK) a Komáromu (HU)*Obyvateľ mimo KomárnaObyvateľ Komárna (SK) a Komáromu (HU)*
Dospelý7,00 €5,00 €20% zľava z celodenných lístkov
20% zľava z celodenných lístkov60,00 €
Dôchodca5,00 €3,50 €45,00 €
Dieťa – (4-15)5,50 €4,00 €50,00 €
Držiteľ karty – ISIC, ITIC
Rodinná vstupenka ** (3-4 osoby, min.1 dospelý)20% zľava z celodenných lístkov50% zľava z celodenných lístkov

Prices are in euros including VAT

* Every citizen with permanent residence in the towns of Komárno and Komárom is entitled to a discounted ticket if he or she proves himself or herself with a valid ID card without being asked to do so.

** The family ticket is valid for 3 or 4 people in one family with the participation of min. 1 adult and in any combination of other family members (+ another child …. price according to the price list)

Možnosť prenájmucelý deňna hodinuzáloha
Skriňa1,00 €1,00 €
Lehátko2,00 €2,00 €
Beach volejbal2,00 €5,00 €
Volejbalová lopta1,50 €10,00 €
Stolnotenisové rakety1,50 €5,00 €

Price list for thermal swimming pool Komárno
from 11th September 2023

Relax zone
for total regeneration

Relax and unwind in our Finnish sauna with a capacity of up to 20 people!

Beneficial Komárno
thermal water

The minerals contained in the thermal water have beneficial effects on joint,
rheumatic and gynecological diseases.